miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012

What are the 6 steps when writing a transactional letter?

1- Start your letter in a properly way:
Don't forget the real purpose of your letter, to whom, why and what you'll write in your letter; if you have clear this part you can start writing your letter.
2- Planning:
Please write no more than 150 words or is possible that the another person don't understand you, be pretty short in the writing. You decide if the letter will be formal or informal choosing the best style and using a proper language. Also you must be clear with the question when you are writing to.
3- The paragraphs:
You must start with a simple paragraph where the beginning will be a greeting or gratitude to other person; the next two paragraphs should the real meaning of your letter, try to explain in a correct way the intention of your letter and make the question; finally you close the text with a simple sentence to other person.
4- Writing by yourself:
If you use your own words you are proving your abilities writing letters, a good handwriting made by yourself will show to others your wide vocabulary.
5- Appropiate style:
Depending of the real purpose you must have clear which words you will use, if you´re going to write to a friend, family, boss, unknown people or a consultant is necessary to know the formal and informal way of the letters. Please don't exagerate or put words that aren't necessary, using easy vocabulary is better.
6- Final check: 
Take your time to check your letter one more time, if you are no sure about your coherence in the writing please correct the grammar or expresions that possibly aren't well.
What is the most important that you should take into account at the time of writing a transactional letter?
The most important in the moment to write transactional letters is be sure about the purpose, whom you are writing to and what you want obtain with the answer of the other person, keep in mind that always we must know first of all the intention of the writing.

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